Sunday, June 7, 2009

A New Beginning

Excerpts of President Obama's Speech in Cairo....

On Women Rights:

I reject the view of some in the West that a woman who chooses to cover her hair is somehow less equal, but I do believe that a woman who is denied an education is denied equality. And it is no coincidence that countries where women are well educated are far more likely to be prosperous.

I am convinced that our daughters can contribute just as much to society as our sons. Our common prosperity will be advanced by allowing all humanity -- men and women -- to reach their full potential.

On harmony among nations and establishing peace:

Of course, recognizing our common humanity is only the beginning of our task. Words alone cannot meet the needs of our people. These needs will be met only if we act boldly in the years ahead; and if we understand that the challenges we face are shared, and our failure to meet them will hurt us all.

We have learned from recent experience that when a financial system weakens in one country, prosperity is hurt everywhere. When a new flu infects one human being, all are at risk. When one nation pursues a nuclear weapon, the risk of nuclear attack rises for all nations. When violent extremists operate in one stretch of mountains, people are endangered across an ocean.

When innocents in Bosnia and Darfur are slaughtered, that is a stain on our collective conscience. That is what it means to share this world in the 21st century. That is the responsibility we have to one another as human beings.

All of us share this world for but a brief moment in time. The question is whether we spend that time focused on what pushes us apart, or whether we commit ourselves to an effort -- a sustained effort -- to find common ground, to focus on the future we seek for our children, and to respect the dignity of all human beings.

It's easier to start wars than to end them. It's easier to blame others than to look inward. It's easier to see what is different about someone than to find the things we share. But we should choose the right path, not just the easy path.

There's one rule that lies at the heart of every religion -- that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us. This truth transcends nations and peoples -- a belief that isn't new; that isn't black or white or brown; that isn't Christian or Muslim or Jew. It's a belief that pulsed in the cradle of civilization, and that still beats in the hearts of billions around the world. It's a faith in other people, and it's what brought me here today.

We have the power to make the world we seek, but only if we have the courage to make a new beginning, keeping in mind what has been written.

The Holy Koran tells us: "O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another."

The Talmud tells us: "The whole of the Torah is for the purpose of promoting peace."

The Holy Bible tells us: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." (Applause.)

Obama addressed the crowd with conviction for a change, quoting from literature they best understand and place their firm faith in. It proves the often overlooked fact that "talking helps; not violence!', when dealing with issues. Obama's take on issues and the solutions he proposed will take time to materialise. However, the opportunity to meet the Muslim community and put forth a list of actions that will improve the betterment of all humanity and in the best interests of people around the world yearning for peace, is a great start to a New Beginning.

The full speech can be read here :)


  1. Being a Muslim women, I have serious issues with Obama's speech. It caters to male chauvanist Muslims and treats one billion people living in Muslim countries as one big entity.

    If we go by the number of women who chose to cover their head and face as a choice as an adult, it would probably be just 1 or 2 per cent women. Most women are told to cover up as part of family tradition from their puberty, countries like Saudia Arabia and Iran force you to wear a head scarf ... where is adult informed choice in all this ... Obama was pandering to saudi royal family and the likes ...

  2. MY K bank (Knowledege) on Muslim related Issues may not be much but just a few thoughts to share....

    Addressing one billion people as one is a bad thing? Isn't he addressing the Muslim community?

    It cannot be denied that some countries made the wearing of head scarfs a compulsory thing. Well, He did mention that whatver action it may be, it has to be THEIR CHOICE(the WOMEN'S CHOICE). If the ones that grew up in strict Muslims families and eventually are not keen to wear the headscarfs. Its their choice. If they gotta work it out somehow, well they chose the path. If they are gonna wear it due to one fear or another, then its their choice again.
    Even "must" evolves into choices these days. :D

    It will be a little not-too-intelligent to imagine a non-muslim, a person of authority to go up and categorise a religious behaviour such as wearing a headscarf as a good/bad move on the women's rights.

    He adderessed women's rights as a whole, aint that a great thing ? :)

    However, lets look at it this way(if possible), an attempt to sow peace and strengthen inter-nation relations was made. There might have been certain things that were not addressed, or some are displeased with the whole speech. One will not be able to please all, maybe he was playing to the likes of the Saudi Royal Family or MAYBE he REALLY DID manage to reach out to the rest of the Muslim Community as well :)


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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