Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mixed emotions

When holidays have been a tad too long, and you gotta live all alone, boredom gets to you least after a month. When that happens, even studying appears to be an awesome thing to be involved in. Since 5 grueling years were in the waiting , I decided to get the best outta this long summer hence refrained from purchasing my texts for any preparation before classes begin.

However, the fear of the white coat has started creeping in. Doubts have begun to flood the mind; questioning the capacity of my grey matter to absorb tons of scientific and physiological knowledge that is gonna come by my way in exactly 22 days.

The good thing about the fear is that its not overwhelming. It is definitely not taking over my mind that I feel like a messed up idiot. The fear is not alone actually. It is accompanied by excitement, anxiety, and whole lot of other emotions :D


  1. Studying n "awesome" oh no ways...:)!!!
    Well a bit of fear n that too associated with excitement n curiosity is a positive energy...n will certainly help u accomplish your goals!!!

    take care!!!

  2. Ooh,I agree when boredom gets to you, then everything seems awesome working, studying, anything :)

  3. Nice post. If feat and excitement comes in your mind at the same time, it means something good and nice is happening for you. Be happy.

  4. Naz: Yeah..studying and awesome do not go together. I probably was not in my right mind when I wrote I will pull through..haha... Thank you

    Siras: EXACTLY!! Anything and everything seemed interesting than

    SG: Thank You SG..Looking forward to the good something :)

    Raaji: Thanx darling. *Hugs*


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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