Monday, May 11, 2009

C.C.C : Cheena Censorship Crap

My history sucks!! It came as no surprise when I had no clue about the Cultural Revolution. Damn! After reading stuff about it did I come to know of the controversial era that Cheena people had to go through :s

That having said, I cannot afford to reveal anymore about the disaster or Blogspot might be banned. :( Youtube is banned already! Its so very maafan to use a proxy that often that I had to make the drastic decision of banishing Youtube from my life :( Sighs!

Censorship in Cheena-land is getting from BAD to WORSE!! They didn't allow Youtube till the Olympics. 6 months from the end of Olympics and Youtube was gone! (It was rumoured that some anti-cheena video was uploaded-_-) And with the World Expo coming, they are gonna open these sites again to accommodate the foreigners. Well, aren't cheena citizens not gonna access these sites?? THEY ALREADY WERE EXPOSED TO WHATEVER YOU WERE TRYING TO HIDE FROM THEM DURING THE OLYMPIC SEASON ITSELF! Good Lord!

And Now Wordpress!!! Probably some anti-cheena message was circulating again!


  1. Hey Usha... I'm curious as to this whole business, if you want, email can you email me -muchachoenfermo (at) the details you didn't put on here?
    I didn't know they placed the restrictions back on the internet only a few months after Olympics, from what we'd heard here the country was marching into a new era of freedom and happiness.

    Except for that whole Jackie Chan business: "I gradually feel that the Chinese need some kind of regulation and control" and "I'm confused about whether it is good to have freedom."

  2. LOL...Haha..Maybe I exaggerated this issue a little too much. But yeah they did place the restrictions back. The government's happiness lies in keeping the citizens' in the dark. They have all the regulation and control a country would need except democracy. I don't think the citizens here even recognise that word anymore. Many are brainwashed to a large extent of Cheena land being lead in the best possible way.

    PS: Will email you soon...

  3. That's the kind of propaganda most oppressive government's use: If you tell a lie often enough and loud enough it is often perceived as the truth. In this case probably the better part of a billion people, and while they might not believe everything the hear a lot of them are probably used to the status quo and don't know a world where things are different.

    Thanks :D


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