Friday, May 15, 2009

I am Blocked!!!

This is Insane! They have done it! They have blocked Blogspot now!
Maybe I should have saw that coming.

What else is left to be blocked...I have no idea...


  1. Holy smokes!
    Send me that email!
    I'll post your stuff on my blog!

  2. When will they ever learn that censor and restrictions will not stop people from finding what it is that they seek? It's sad to see it happening.

  3. who is they ???

    theres always ways around blocks :D

  4. Kadri: It is sad indeed. But well, can't see the restrictions lifted anytime soon :(

    Siras: Yes man! It sucks BIG TIME!!!

    Sami: They refers to the "beloved" CHeena Government! Yeaps, there are ways and I just figured out my ideal way to access the sites. :D


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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