Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Myelin Sheath retained a few memoirs

*takes a second to organise her thoughts*

*a second passes*

*made up her mind that this post is gonna be random and all over the place without a flow just like all the other posts*

Here we go: my internet was down for 4 whole days! YES, I am a loser who is heavily dependent on technology and THE INTERNET! If I am on holiday, thats a different story. If I'm at home or in University I need technology and the gadgets that come with it. Maybe not an IPOD, I don't own one..hehe..but my PSP yes...but without the Internet I cannot download games :(

Anyway, I got my connection back and of course its evitable from the fact that I am blogging even.

I just returned from a "Chinese Singing Competition" organised by the University. I attended being the good friend that I am; to cheer for my Roommate. Awesome voice she has!!! But no she didn't win!! She received the 2nd prize though ;) Well, I have to say the one that won did perform an almost pole dance and lotsa pelvis thrusting. A free club performance it was. And she won! That woman even got the popularity award??!!! My other favourite played the guitar pretty well and came it third! If he had won instead, least I would have thought coming in 2nd was not that bad after all for my roommate! The winner who had a close to bad voice, seductive dancing which was pretty crappy as well; I really wonder what the judges were giving her marks for :s (oops forgot the skimpy attire..hehe...)

And during the competiton, two cheena students destroyed my favourite numbers! They just murdered it! The one who sang or rather attempted the rendition of Hotel California was NOT very bad but not good either. He got his guitar parts REAL WELL. However, the fella who sang Fly me to the moon...I have no words to describe his performance..I was so tempted to go up the stage and tell him to leave; like really get off before people start throwing rotten tomatoes at him!! But sadly, no one did and I didn't have any with me either :( HE WAS SINGING A MEDLEY of English and Chinese Songs. NONE WERE GOOD!!

Just before the finale came a pair of girls, they sang three songs and changed attires between the songs. Every time they returned their panting was visible. High notes just dissipated into thin air.

Then again, I congratulate all the participants for their courage to go upstage and perform no matter how bad they may sound. And for giving me the hope that even I can sing and perhaps dance ;)

*The following portion ought to be a post on its own but couldnt access the internet so it goes...

Fudan University organised its 1st International Cultural Festival and a mini Food Expo. The participants were the International students that formed the crux of Fudan's international community. Well, I knew some of the countries, but there were more than I thought!!!

The countries were : Canada, USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Sweden, Australia, Belgium(the Uni actually allowed them to give out free beer?!!), Pakistan, Bangladesh (They were wearing sarees??), Sri Lanka, Nepal, Mexico, Indonesia, Morroco, Congo, India (No food booth, just some Bollywood dance and the girl scared the shit outta me! Her hair was freaking long and she looked more like an indian ghost dressed in red, dancing to Desi Girl!), Italy, North Korea (They sang beautifully; some national song), South Korea (awesome martial arts), Hungary, France, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Thailand (great dances), Kazakhstan (their traditional costume was beautiful), and some other nations that I cannot recall at the moment and also because I couldnt recognised their flags :s

Ok the mind is exhausted after listening to all that butchering of songs earlier in the day so off to bed.



  1. I can't stand it when people butcher otherwise perfectly good songs and I have to leave the room when it happens or I'll go crazy. No mercy. I would have loved to see the food expo though, as long as it's food there I'm all good. =)

  2. I had no choice but to listen to it kadri, my roomie was the last one to sing..sighs...yeah you would have loved the food expo :D Except the Morrocan booth, they wouldn't allow anyone to taste their pastries..AND THEY WERE SO BEAUTIFULLY DISPLAYED!!! And they were edible yeah. When asked why not for tasting, it seems their mothers made them so its only for display -_-

  3. As a mother I'd feel insulted if people didn't eat what I've made. :P Such a waste of good edible things... I bet they ate them all when it was over.


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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