Monday, June 15, 2009

Study Mode: Day 1

The Slacker and the Mugger(well in this case I am referring to the personality that mugs before exams :p); the two contradicting personalities decided to sort out their differences as the time to compromise and cooperate had arrived.

Slacker: Man, did you really have to be up this early? I mean the paper is only in the afternoon! *shrugs*

Mugger: The papers can be pretty screwed up.

Slacker: Unnecessary Tension they call it.

Mugger: Oh yeah, lets refresh our memory of the mid term grades.

Slacker: Well, I figured one way as to how one shouldn't attempt their paper.

Mugger: Lack of self awareness!

Slacker: Optimistic! Not only is the glass half full, it is half full with orange juice! :D

Mugger: *Sighs*

Mugger gave up and Slacker prevailed, BUT, Miss. Stomach was growling so very loudly at 3.30am that Usha had to give up slacking to shower and grab breakfast instead.

After Breakfast, there were potential hours of slacking that smiled back at Usha, together with Mugger's glares. The tiny, but sneaky Miss. Guilt made her presence felt; so yeah had to forgo slacking. *sighs*

Procrastination is at its final stage, actually no, there is no final stage. The act of procrastinating continues....after the exams...Yes, the cycle continues and Yes, Usha never learns. :(

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