Tuesday, August 18, 2009

50% off Abortion

One of the hospitals in China displays the following advertisement:

"Students are our future, but when something happens to them, who will help and protect them? Women's Hospital has started Students Care Month, where those students who come to get an abortion can get 50% off if they show their student ids. Abortion surgeries are the most advanced in the world, won't stretch (your womb), won't hurt, it's quick, and you can do what you want afterwards, it won't affect your studies or your work." - Shanghaiist

Well,if the student is of the legal age then that is a different matter. What if its a young teen? Are they encouraging pre-marital sex? Honestly I have no idea what to infer from this advertisement. They are really trying to limit the population using ways least expected. The country already holds the record for 13 million abortions per annum.


  1. Oh i have never been able to understand their policies in any thing be it this or politics. I mean how can a country promote abortion...ridiculous !!! N just look at the target segment of this advertisement...young students...its definitely going to have serious effect in the countries health rate!!

  2. Siras: Haha...not all view this the same way...

    Naz: It's pretty weird country.


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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