Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Any nation trying to break another nation using crude methods is just so cheap. Countries A and B are from the same region. They are logger heads when its comes to some issues and other times they 'appear' to be at ease with each other. In a recent news article, Country A came up with suggestions that I bet are definitely gonna strain their relationship further. Country A feels it should join hands with some of the states of country B, help these states in achieving independence from the bigger country B. The number of states from Country B that are fighting for such an independence is one or two. Instigating the rest for the same reason is cheap! Country A feels this dismemberment of Country B is in the "interests of the region's prosperity in the future".
How about tearing up its own Country A into various states to achieve the same "prosperity" it claims? Sounds good to me!


  1. Well this really not the what politics works. Politics is an art n not an exact science n so one responds the way the other reacts. For centuries this has been going on n will carry on.
    Politics n u seems to b a bad combination...lol!!!
    Its reality n this is how international politics works...:)

  2. Actually I don't think the whole of politics function the same way Naz. Most of them strike directly. Yes, some of them have hidden motives but hideous moves just so to take the lead on the world leader board..not very impressive!
    And yes I think politics and myself is a very bad combination:s

  3. Politics is only as good as those who practise it and was majority of those who practise it are power hungry stupid people with no ambition other than filling their own agendas no matter what it does to the country and the people in it.

    That's why people like me can never be politicians we care too much and we want what's best for all people.

  4. It really is Siras!!!

    So very true Kadri. Often the politicians who preach about changing the existing state of things, they get voted and end up doing the same stuff as their predecessors and lead the country down the drain.
    The cycle of bad politicians just repeats itself.


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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