Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hong Kong: Day 2 - Bad Luck!

Luck is so not on my side. Just when everything was working fine, the memory card appears corrupted. It has been showing FORMAT ERROR the whole evening. I now will have to reformat the memory card. In other words, I have lost the photos that were shot during the last two days.


Its during times like this that I really miss my traditional film rolls. Yes, I cannot delete shots but at least  I will not lose them!


  1. I hope u hav not formatted it...sometimes they show these errors...try it again and if possible in someone else's computer..may b it may work!!
    But if its really gone then sure its your bad luck but never mind u hav them photographed in your mind thats never lost!!! :)

  2. Don't worry.. have the memories in your heart and enjoy your trip!!

  3. Aww, sometimes technology can suck!!

    But still you have the rest of the trip to take more pics!! Plus you have the sights in your heart! Cheer up! :)

  4. Naz: I did format in the end but it was pointless. Bought meself a new one. This one works fine :D

    Swatantra: Yeaps. Thank you :)

    Siras: Exactly!! True enough. A good sleep and I got over my depression..hehe :)

  5. Oh wow - that would be my absolute worst nightmare ever! Perhaps I should change my memory card from time to time??


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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