Saturday, October 3, 2009

I Return...

The Great Firewall of China was impenetrable till recently as DIT has released an updated version of Freegate. So, here I am on my rounds again :D

I Am currently getting set for a 19 hour train ride to one of the Special Administrative Regions of People's Republic of China; Hong Kong. I hope to update this blog on a daily basis (least for the next week) to give you an experience of Hong Kong the way I see it. :)


  1. Sounds interesting Usha, so this is what kept u away from blogging!!
    Would love know how was your experience of Hong Kong with some pictures!!!

    take care n enjoy!!

  2. Good luck!! Post come pictures!!

  3. Coool, I'd love to see some pics! :)

  4. Siras: Pictures are inching their way in...


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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