Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Mynabirds - Just started Flying

My recent song craze is with Let the Record Go by The Mynabirds from their debut album titled What we Lose in the Fire We Gain in the Flood. 

Image courtesy of themynabirds.com

As I was searching for the band on Wikipedia, I came to discover the now dyfunc Canadian band who went under the same name back in the 60s. They never officially released an album. This newer band however, just had their album released in April 2010. You can read more about them on their official site or myspace, where some numbers are also up for listening. 

Round and around and around we go
Are we up or down? I don't know.
Round and around and around we go
The circle's tight, it holds us close.
Round and around and around we go
Up or down, oh I don't know.
Round and around and around we go
The wheels are round to let us go.

- Let the Record Go - The Mynabirds 

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