Saturday, June 26, 2010

Powerful Power

Back in 2008 when I was reading the Communist Manifesto for a particular Socio-Political elective, I concluded the writings to be rants of a dysfunc communist who went by the name, Karl Marx. The ideas he proposed were a tad twisted as his beard appeared to be. His mind was a one way track that possibly was due to his deprived upbringing. Which, I am assuming, was the basis for his theories.

Then again, I also have to agree, bits of what he conveyed did make sense. Quoting Marx,
"Men is a perpetually dissatisfied animal".
He felt or perhaps knew that men was always after something. If his primary needs were fulfilled, he develops new needs and maybe just wants. And once again according to Marx,
"These new needs are the first historical act".
That was how history was created. If man hadn't had the curiousity to to ask questions and seek something better in replacement of his existing life, science would probably not have ventured far. Or at least that is what I think. When these needs manifests itself onto man to a point, whereby being the best takes over being better, greed takes over.  

And for the most famous Marx Theory which was in favour of communism was probably a result of how he felt about Religion in particular. 
"Religion is the opium for the masses."
Religious beliefs functioned to blind people so they could not recognise their exploitation and their real political interests. Religion emphasises salvation, compensation for misery and alienation on earth. Which justifies social inequality. As of recent, news on destruction is often followed with a "salvation according to his/her beliefs". This statement of his, may not be the best way to describe religion or its devotees. Then again, on some levels, people are lead by blind faith. Who's to say for that?

Oil leak in America and Obama's response to the entire incident is almost always making headlines these days. How citizens are upset at the governing party to be taking matter slowly and perhaps lightly instead of the attention it requires. His popularity status compared to the time when he was campaigning, has certainly headed for a plunge.

Politicians and Citizens. These parties will never be satisfied. Both these sides will never cross each other. As a citizen you will always be disatisfied with the way things are run. You will have hoards of opinions on how things should run. However, once inside the Oval office, you will be just as 'good' as the one before you. Even if the leader does understands your situation, what he attempts to do to better your life will eventually fall short of your expectations.
"Without government, human beings would compete for territory, resources and power. Fighting would be common, survival would depend on strength and cunning". 
- Hobbes, Thomas
In other words, we will no longer be the civilised beings we are now. It will all be a matter of kill and grab. Self before others. Or perhaps we already are evolving into that mentality...

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