Monday, December 6, 2010

I ran!

The title may sound simple to you but it means a lot to a couch potato who dream of running marathons without getting her ass of the couch.

When a friend of mine finally decided to keep up to a running routine, I figured this is the chance to actually get up and start training. And why not do it with a partner. Least there is this motivating factor.

Turns out, we both were procrastinating the whole idea. It is going to be a month since the idea took birth and perhaps died off as well. But of the course, I came to the rescue by going for a early run today. 

And my new running shoes were highly motivating. Maybe it was a placebo effect. 

Nike Free Trainer 7-0-IV Women White Vivid Pink
Look at me Fly!
I hope will stick the routine I found online for newbie runners or specifically "Couch to 5K Runner". I ought to follow the regiment for three times a week for 9 weeks. 

Today marks the first day of the 1st week. 

3++ kilometres was all I could muster today with bits of walking thrown in. :-) 

No this will not be another of the many attempts I undertake in pursuing something long term!

Will it be?

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