Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Virtual Junkie

Initially I thought perhaps assumed, okay maybe not.

Knew it deep down in my heart, in the depths of the muscles of my heart, among the ventricles and atrium, between the aorta and the vena cava, that the Internet was a F.A.C.I.L.I.T.Y. 

And that I do not rely on the medium out of my interest but because of the daily work I am involved in, which requires its expertise. 

Not only work, my interests lies among the World Wide Web too! OK I do have other interests. But even to pursue them I need WWW. 

I am officially an Internet Junkie. 

Something I probably was too afraid to admit for making myself look TOTALLY dependent on this new age invention. 

Compared to Edison's electricity, Internet is relatively new, so yeah.


  1. i have become compulsively virtual. From finding routes to certain places, to show timings of latest movie in nearest hall to availability of acertain book in a nearby store. For everything i am dependent on internet. But for hobbies i'm yet to reach that stage. But i know as the availability of time decreases, dependence on internet will increase.
    But one thing i must tell u(if i don't, i'll have a stomachache)- benjamin franklin discovered electricity and volta and tesla first created it(dc and ac resp). Edison is credited with bulb :p :p

  2. Fatte: Point taken Smarty Pants! :P


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