Friday, September 19, 2008

A month in Shanghai

Time flies would be an zoomed with me in it...its gonna be a month since i left the dot on the map to the country with the largest population in the world...6 years I wondered (before arriving); a month has already had been a rather significant month of my life...independent living in a foreign land amongst a largely spoken language i barely knew....then again I was not alone...some mastered the language before coming...the rest are of us learning the art of Chinese.....ha ha...exams are sleep is moving away from skills are rusty, nevertheless, the result is still edible...MISS MOM'S COOKING!!!! Nothing equals her magic fingers whipping up a meal...I've pretty much adapted to the environment and my interesting group of professors...from the complicated french man to the entertaining mexican lady :) With Zhong Guo Professors in between......each has a unique way of teaching...certain ways get us engaged with the lesson and the rest basically bores us!! Then again we have lunch and dinner breaks which personally perks me up...haha...

During the past weekend..some of us went to an old folks home for Mid Autumn Festival...distributed pineapple cakes...sang some really old but fun chinese songs to them...they sang along as well...they were really adorable...some of them even spoke in English and were really very hospitable...they were keen to share their thoughts with us...regardless of the language my case, to pay them a visit every other month...IT FEELS SO GOOOOOD TO SEE SOMEONE SIMILING... (visit courtesy of Tzu Chi Foundation)

When I am Happy, I start perceiving everything with that vision. It is like wearing coloured glasses. Whatever colour my glasses are, the whole world is coloured with it. Then, I am mo longer able to perceive and recognise negativity and I am able to remain happy with everything:)

Rather hard yeah...worth the try ;)

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