Thursday, December 4, 2008

4.50am, 4 December 2008, Thursday

Just awhile ago I finished with my computing assignment. Technically, I should be in bed now,but no I'm still awake. Why? My ability to wake up from a short sleep is limited or rather I lack the ability entirely. Therefore, here I am sitting up waiting for the clock to struck 6 so that I can shower and make breakfast and eventually head for school.

Is Buddhism a religion or a teaching?

With reference to an online essay donated by Kile Jones,

"It is apparent that religion can be seen as a theological, philosophical, anthropological, sociological and psychological phenomenon of human kind. To limit religion to only one of these categories is to miss its multifaceted nature and lose out on the complete definition"

Having said that religion seems to be an entity of many faces. One which a rich history, abundance of artifacts, strong beliefs that enables man to changes his ideals and lifestyles. Teachings seem to have evolved over time to become independent religions. Then again, are most religions teachings then? What are teachings? How different are they from religion?

Teachings gives you insights on how one can live his life better by imbibing virtues, reducing violence, accepting one another, love for all. Religion preaches this as well! Where is the difference then? God seems to be missing in the presence of the teaching!!!

In conclusion, the widely accepted belief would be that where God is religion is born.

According to philosopher, where there are monks, rituals and a strict and coordinated belief system with lots of devotees, the beliefs of the community can be defined as a religion.

Then again, there are Sociologists like Durkheim who once advocated that 'God is society'.

World is evolving, thoughts are evolving, never the same meaning for the same word used centuries ago. Meanings are defined according to the present day lifestyle and majority belief system.

The blacks were once discriminated and now America has voted for a Black President.

Gandhi fought against the British Rule on the Indian Ground. Now, A significant percentage of Indians are residing in the United Kingdom.

Globalisation, increase in the number of intellectuals however, we still don't seem to see a decrease in global poverty???

PS: Lack of sleep and tired eyes can get people like me to blog all night talking about random things. I need my ecstasy, my chocolate! The sun is gonna rise in Shanghai now. (I'm being random again,yes, haven't slept in 22 hours!!!)

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