Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Art of Bending the truth

I have always been defensive about lying! The art of lying may I put it has always fascinated me. When I was in primary schoool, we had this lesson called 'Good citizens' or something along those lines. It came with a textbook that taught us moral values and what not in order to be a good Samaritan. The particular time when my teacher talked about Lying; she told us kids that we should not, must not lie under any circumstances. And I kinda recall telling her that if does not bring harm to the self or others then lying can't be a awful thing after all! I no longer remember her reaction but I can be sure she was not expecting that from a 9 year old.

Oh well, this idea of lying and weather it is ethical or not came about again when I realised my classmate cannot lie. Or more like she used to lie and for the god knows how many years; she has made a firm promise of not lying to anyone for anything. Like today she decided to tell the professor that she was not gonna attend the class because she wants to study for the exam and obviouslt the professor did not allow! Ok this not a major thing but it kinda made me wonder again if lying is such a bad thing after all.

Maybe it has something to do with the guity conscience part. You know how people go "the guilt is killing me cos I lied to A or B". Then again, that would depend on the severity of the situation, won't it?

Then are some who prefer to hear the truth, react to it violently then believe a lie! I mean what's the point of tempory happiness if sadness is the truth? Well, least you had the chance of experincing the joy even for a while. ;) You know its like, you lie to encourage someone's enthusiasm for something. For instance, you wouldn't wanna tell an aspiring artist his drawing looks like shit! That can shatter a person's spirit! Or tell a young child that her parent is no longer around. Whats the point of doing that? The child deserves the happiness in the world regardless of the parents being present or not. And he can learn the truth later in life or just don't learn it at all. What about marital affairs?? AH..thats when lying turns ugly...Ouch!...
On that note, this post would be the last thing the victim would wanna read! A post promoting the art of lying!

Maybe lying and liars are created due to perspectives! You know, how one may seem that the truth is just temporarily hidden, not exactly lying and stuff.

I think lying is an art :) Come on, individuals improvising on the truth, being creative; coming with something thats totally not the truth..hehe..well unless things are exaggerated and blown out of proportion; Lying works wonders if done right ;)


  1. My dear you have no clue how right you are!

    We learn white lies from our infancy, our parents telling us about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy and other things.

    For my part, my last job was based almost entirely on the art of bullshitting and indeed it became an art over time. I taught it others and it paid very well. The job never caused harm to anyone and as a matter of fact probably helped people a lot more than if I had told the truth. So at the end of the day I could sleep well knowing I'd done more good than harm.

    Besides I read somewhere that a lie can run around the world before the truth has even put on its shoes... whatever that means.

  2. LOL...Lie just sounds so much more intriguing than the truth ;)

    Thank you Enfermo.

  3. Lying or any other action per se is not immoral. It is the circumstances or some underlying ethical principle which make an action moral or immoral. "Thou shalt not lie" is an absolute moral principle because there are so many instances in which it would be moral to lie.

    Interesting post.

  4. True enough...
    Thank you Awais :)

  5. White lies... they are very important :)

  6. Indeed Tara...no white lies and one forgets how to be nice :D

    Thanks for visitng :)

  7. more than lying to others we lie to outselves most of all...

    and that is where it becomes a problem that cannot be cured..

    personally i rather be that blunt truthful person !! :)

  8. OK..lying to the self is pretty much lack of self awareness and i wouldn't advocate that.
    BUT being brutally honest can be hurtful sometimes (especially towards another :)

    Thanks for visiting Sami :)

  9. it can be... and somtimes u have to be... for your own sake or for the sake of others... !

    and you are welcom :)


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