Friday, May 1, 2009


Exams ended and boredom had hit the self! Just when I had to mug I am so tempted to catch a movie, watch TV shows. When the pressure to study had dissolved, and you realise there is so much time and so many things to do BUT not exactly in a mood to, you try to do stuff that you are not exactly good at. In my case, I decided to change the template of this blog. Given my limited skills it was kinda difficult to understand the HTML bit.

I couldn't get rid of the search icon, and I didn't know how to increase the font size of my Title :S.
Oh well, after hours of trying to read and understand I realise my Blogroll gadget won't work on my template. :( So, now I don't quite remember the blogs I use to read cos the 'great' me didn't exactly register myself as a follower for some of them :(

Anyway, the final product seems Okay and I'm satisfied with it.

This is so out of point but anyway the famous Swine flu could be THE EPIDEMIC! Apparently every 20 odd years an epidemic would occur ( I don't know how the math came about or why) and this is could be the one after....( sadly I don't know when was the last Major one was either...:S) SARS was described as an epidemic of the 21st century but it was a largescale thing in South east Asia and oddly enough Canada was affected.

Back to the Swine Flu, the virus unlike bird flu or SARS even can be passed onto bird, pigs or humans! The rate at which this could spread is pretty high. Not too sure if China is affected, but these guys can never be trusted! The next thing one knows it had always been in China and only surfaced when 1000s were affected -_-


  1. As far as why Canada was affected by SARS... I'm not a medical expert so I can't really say. I think it has something to do with the fact so many visitors come here everyday from all around the world.

    I know that Swine Flu is here and the confirmed cases in Canada are at 34. Strangely enough, no one seems to be dying of it here as compared to Mexico, but that may just be because we have easy access to free medical treatment for everyone.

    Interesting statistic that I heard yesterday... People are panicking in the US now because 1 person has died in a US hospital from swine flu (and he wasn't even an American) yet over 18,000 people died last year of the regular run of the mill influenza virus... So we'll have to let history be the judge and see if this H1N1 is the new Black Plague.

    On a sidenote: I dig the new design!

  2. Yeah man...Mexico already has 180 people dead cos of the flu!! Even Singapore is taking precautions but there aren't any victims there I think...

  3. well technically there are only 12 or perhaps 18 confirmed deaths due to swine flu...

    so it is not really as huge as made out to be...

    then again we can only hope for the best and prevent it from spreading !

  4. Oh man! This is so freaky! But then again, I think it's being made out bigger than it really is! Let's hope for the best. :)


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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