Saturday, May 30, 2009

Said in 4 lines or less

Poems were not so much of my thing. However, I do like to read poems written by others. I prefer Haiku poems. Partly cos they tend to be short ;) LOL. And they convey the intended emotion in 3 to 4 lines. When I read really long ones, I am lost after a while and forget what exactly am I suppose to be reading about. I can read EXTREMELY thick books but not poems. Never knew why. :s


Just a while ago, I checked out the blog of 'Thus wrote Tan'. He had really nice Haiku poems.
My favourite from the many Tan wrote was:

He took his brushes
And painted the blank canvas
To Mona Lisa.

Another Haiku to share with; this was written by Liyana:

The waves wash in up the shore
With the playful breeze in its wake,
As days pass by I like you more and more
Just like the sweet icing on a chocolate cake.

They were really sweet, were they not? :)

Please do share your poems too. Be it haiku or not :D


  1. i havn done poetry in a long time...

    i hav given up the hidden meaning attitude to the straight forward one :D

  2. @ Sami: LOL...Well poems can be direct too.
    Give it a shot man. You may never'd probably come up with a kick ass poem...a straight forward one at that ;)

  3. Oh I really like the second one! =)

  4. haha! i feel so humbled! thank you ^.^

  5. u want to read good poetry?...check out my dad's blog at


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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