Sunday, December 19, 2010

After the CT scan...

I am Anemic and I self-diagnosed myself.

OK, maybe that was not the right thing to do. But I am a Doctor-To-Be. And it seemed like the best option to analyse myself. If I can't diagnose myself, I probably can't diagnose anyone else.

A summary of how I came about to diagnosing myself was like this:

  1. My CT scan is clear: Which eliminates any hemorrhage and what not
  2. But my dizziness still persist!
  3. I get cold feet and hands when temperature drops
Which can only be explained by the fact that I am either pernicious or Iron deficient. But most likely Iron deficient.

Ever since I moved to the dorm I became lazier and stopped cooking entirely. I eat at the canteen sometimes but mostly live on bread and random junk food. Being a vegetarian, most of the food I find I can't consume. So, with my sabbatical from cooking, brought in a significant distance between me and vegetables cooked without meat.

They add meat in vegetables too at times. Annoying! 

And because I have been experiencing excessive amounts of hair fall, increased heart rate after climbing 6 floors and loss of appetite. I can only say, I am anemic.

Its a mild case, which is why I can still walk and type this post. Otherwise, I'd be face down on my keyboard before this post ends.

However, now that my condition is somewhat deduced. I have to eat more stuff that is rich in Iron and Vitamin B12 to get back onto the fat, noisy Usha that I am. :)

Can't run for a while, for it takes a while for the body to be accustomed to strenuous exercises and especially ones that require massive amounts of Oxygen. The last thing I need now is to faint on the streets of Shanghai. 

My diet has been changed to include more citrus foods and a big fat reminder: DO NOT SKIP MEALS!

I used to skip meals so very frequently, it became a habit. A bad one as I have now learned. :s

Note: By the way, do not try skipping meals at home. Self diagnosis is also not recommended.


  1. hmmm... there are two kinds of people in world-
    1. who eat to live.
    2. who live to eat.

    while i belong to the second group of the people, u certainly belong to the first. please teach me how do u skip meals. i mean don't u feel hungry?
    and if u aren't cooking and veggie ain't available, take my advice start eating chicken. its really good. specially tandoori :P
    get well soon :)

  2. Fatte: I live to eat Junk Food my friend hence the skipping of meals. ;)

    Merry Christmas!


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