Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Welcome to Cheena-land

Conned on the streets?
Half the websites are banned?
With Hotmail being the recent one?
Welcome to Cheena-Land.

Then again there is another side to it.

Yikes! Did someone just spit on the ground?
Oh Crap! He just cut the queue before me!
Hey! You are pushing me to rush for the seats!
Welcome to Cheena-Land.

The final side.

DVDs are Freaking Cheap!
One can travel in cabs all their life and not be broke!
Welcome to Cheena-Land once again.

These fellas just amuse me :D


  1. Still, it seems as a good place to visit. =)

  2. OF course it is kadri. This is just three sides of the many sides that Great China has :)

    It sure is a great place to visit. Come on, I've been living here for almost a year now..cant be that bad a place right? ;)


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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