Saturday, July 18, 2009

To my fellow citizen of the world

Not even a year has a passed since the Mumbai bombings and now The Ritz Carlton Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia is experiencing the same circumstance. Two suicide bombs, 9 people were killed (largely tourists) and lots left injured. Indonesia had to pull itself back after the 2005 Bali Bombings and now history is repeating itself again. Let alone Indonesia, over the past ten to fifteen years continents around the world have been vitimised for similar attacks and in larger numbers.

Throughout my growing up years I have heard about you, read about your actions and the hatred that the world has developed for you. And I still have yet to figure what exactly is your purpose through these mass murdering. We share the same Earth, but our dreams vary. Or at least now you have decided to forsake your aspirations; I will never know. What is the reason for mass murder? Are you fighting for your rights? What rights may I ask? Are you fighting for an Independant nation? Which nation do you represent? I would refrain from asking which religion you are trying to defend as religions do not promote violence. So what is the reason for all these suicide bombings? People are dying in large numbers! They could have been your friends if you had made the effort to change the course of your path.

Why are you known as a Terrorist? Do you feel proud to be addressed that way? Does it give you some kinda adrenaline rush? Are you really that different from the masses or you were conditioned in such a way so that eventually you are rid of emotions and then blow yourself up? Doesn't sound very cool. Has there ever been a family member or a friend of yours that was killed in the same attack you planned? If so, did you ever feel the pinch of losing a loved one? Or is it to avoid that scenario that you blow yourself up first? Sorry, I sound blunt but attacks that kill masses do not require niceties do they?

IF you really do have a purpose, has it still not been achieved yet? So many attacks and I 'm assuming there is more to come and I'd probably never live to see a world where people do not live in fear and imminent death Thanx to you! So, when does this goal of yours gets fulfilled so that many citizens of the world can sleep peacefully, knowing they will still get to see the sunrise the next day?

PS: And I was just wondering; when you die the world dies for you. How the hell for whatever goal you have been working hard for and sacrificing your life, gets fulfilled? Even your descendants tend to follow your footsteps. Am I right to assume many of the suicide bombers out there have clearly no idea what they are trying to achieve through their actions? One dies the rest follows so; for a purpose that got lost somewhere. Wait, what was the purpose once again?


  1. This post makes me remember MJ's song "Heal the World"!! Its sad to see all this...a very mature post!!!

  2. *sigh* you're so right, it's like they're brainwashed or sometheing!

  3. @ Naz: I love that song! And it suits the current situation.

    @ Siras: Sad yeah....


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