Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer holidays

Its the summer holidays here. Since, I have decided to spend the summer here (without heading back home) I have loads of time on my hands. Feels like 48 hours per day but no I am not regretting it; I am enjoying it.

Yesterday, went to Shanghai city centre to catch the late night show of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was not exceptionally great neither was it a terrible one It was not bad .It was definitely WAAYYY better than Angels and Demons. Though yes, the director of Harry Potter did leave out chunks of information from the J.K. Rowling's book, he added a few newer details that compromises for the missing bits. I won't say it was the best of the Harry Potter series thus far but it is worth a catch. There were some really cool chase sequences and Ron ( my favourite) as always lives up to his character.
3 stars outta 5 on Usha's movie scale ;)

Another recommendation is the movie titled Once starring Glen Hansard (vocalist of the Irish band Frames) and Markets Irglova (some Czech Singer). It is story of two musicians, their love for music, the lack of opportunities and unrequited love. It was REALLY GOOD!! Siras would like the movie but she would probably tear ;) It was not a typical tear jerker but a low budget independent film that conveys the message intended in a simple way. Anyone will understand the story. One information I read was during the shooting of the movie on the Dublin streets the director used long lens, natural lighting to keep the scene real. In fact, many of the passer-bys were not aware that a shooting was taking place. Pretty cool huh.

Away from movies, onto a little news that I read: Delhi Highcourt legalises Homesexuality. Never did I thought India would be one of the countries to legalise it given its conservative nature. Nevertheless, that was a great decision made by the Delhi High Court. Homosexuals can now live their life and not feel like outcasts. They are not involved in anything illegal; officially now! Democracy in its true sense. :)


  1. wow u watched the movie...would definitely watch it!!!

    Well i dont think one should judge the democracy taking this as a parameter...still it has to get approved from the Supreme Court!!

  2. @ Naz: You should watch!! Its freedom of choice! Is it not democracy? :s I hope it gets approved from the Supreme Court.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but you do seem to appear as one who is not really FOR this whole leagalising idea...

  3. yup your right Usha m not for this being legalized...but we stay in a civilized,democratic society so everyones opinions are respected.


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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