Monday, August 31, 2009


Inspired by Naz's post, the whole divine idea seemed liked an interesting topic to be tackled with:)

God is an entity. God is you and me. Treat a starved child to lunch. You are his God. A Surgeon who made it possible for a blind girl to regain her sight, the doctor is her God. Buddha was a prince who became a monk, who advocated ways for mankind's betterment. He was a teacher, he was advocating but they made him God. If only he had a book published titled "The Highly Effective Habits" - Gautama Siddhartha, he would have had fans instead of devotees. Ram was a fictional character from the epic that Valmiki wrote. He was characterized to be the ideal man. He was eventually made God. All their transformations gave way to religions, followed by rituals and soon enough the basis on which these figures were looked upon were lost. What was left was blind faith, exaggerated rituals and categorizations of people under religions.

Being happy is a form of Godliness. Render a helping hand, that too is Godliness. God never created Religion and one need not be a member of a religion to know God. Have unlimited love for another without expecting anything in return, that is Godliness. Now, that would be a little difficult. We have always expected some sort of a gain for our efforts. That is when God enters. Considering his love is unconditional, perform actions just like how God would :)


  1. Wow this is a more detailed and deeper explanation of what God is all about. Your so correct as being happy is a form of Godliness...we somehow never even think of this!!
    Nice post and very well u hav really understood what God is all about, great!!

    take care!!!

  2. Nicely written.. nice picture.. There is a God in every smile, there is God in every child...

  3. Naz: I am God's friend ;)

    Swatantra: True enough. Do you get the feeling when you see your son? :)

  4. You are absolutely right. Dheivam Manushya Roopena.....God in the form of a human being.

  5. SG: haha...You like quoting in Tamil huh..nandri :)


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