Thursday, September 10, 2009

From the classroom

The first Anatomy class of the semester was VERY interesting. Interesting comes with a whole lot of new terms in an unfamiliar language often mispronounced by the cheena professor. Nevertheless, it was still awesome.

Some of the things that my K bank acquired:
Human body has 206 bones. (many are probably aware of this :P)
There are 10 different systems in the body.
We have 5 different types of bones.
There are 2 different types of bone marrow. Yellow bone marrow and Red bone marrow.
Hemopoiesis; the process of red blood cell production. In an infant, the spleen and liver produce these cells. However, in an adult the red bone marrow does the job. And it appears to be doing a great job by producing 2.5 million red blood cells every second.
The inorganic matrix of bone is made up of largely calcium and phosphorus. They contribute to two thirds of the weight of a bone.
The adult human body has 24 vertebrae. Originally, we were born with 34. As we develop, some of the bones fused to form bigger bones.

And many other information that will be posted as the semester goes by :D


  1. Great Information!! Reminds me of a dialouge from a movie Munna Bhai..

  2. It much in our!!
    Sounds interesting...your a MBBS student, great!!
    Science was really difficult for me n specially bio...o hats off to u!!

    Wonder what your prof will hav to say when he come to know what u'll call him "cheena proff"...lolz!!

  3. That's increased my knowledge a bit too. :)

  4. Swatantra: Hehe..I love that movie!!

    Naz: Haha..Thank You. Hehe, Thank go he doesn't know it yet ;)

    Siras: Glad to be of help :)


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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