Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Looks like Looks matter

So yesterday was Women's Day and today I came across this.

A 49 year old English woman has gone under the knife over a hundred times just so she can look like a life-size barbie. I ain't no kidding. Her obsession with Barbie dolls began when she was six. However the obsession to look like her began a few years back. She has spent more than 500,000 pounds just on these surgeries. She holds the world record for the most number of cosmetic surgeries; which by the way is 150!

And now she is into injecting Botox for her 15 year old girl.

"With her help, I won't get that frozen-face look when i'm older and will never have a line or wrinkle on my face". - 15 year old Life-Size Barbie, Jr.


  1. Such a good role model for her daughter.

    One thing I don't get about vanity is what is so bad about wrinkles? It doesn't define a person's worth nor personality. I couldn't care less if a person's face looks like a chasm, nor do i care if i start having wrinkles early.

    I'm not saying taking care of the face isn't important, just do it the natural way without incuring a mountainpile of debts. Some people age gracefully and some don't. Personally, I don't give a rat's ass.

    And that my dear Usha, is my two cents worth :D

  2. oh dear God, some people take it too far. Sigh.


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