Saturday, March 27, 2010


A well liked Surgeon from Fujian Province of China, who was depressed over the leaving of his girlfriend and for unknown reasons happens to be unemployed as well; entered an elementary school and stabbed 13 children. 9 have been declared dead and 4 are barely surviving. These kids were between the ages of 6 and 8. Asked about his crazy rampage and all he had to say was "I have no regrets. I wanted to slay 30 kids". He deliberately stabbed the kids in the chest region to puncture their lungs. How are the lives of innocent kids in ANY WAY related to his miserable life?! I do not understand and I doubt I ever will. He has been given an insanity test. What an Insanity test really means I do not know but guess it determines his ability to gauge situations. Which in this instant happens to be a bad judgment call!

This too took place in China. An university student stabbed his room mate who was sleeping because he wouldn't stop snoring. He surrendered to the police after the incident and the court has sentenced him to death. Again I do not understand. Anger and the depths it brings one into is a puzzling revelation.

A kindergarten teacher has been sentenced to 3 years jail term for using a hypodermic needle attached to an empty syringe to prick kindee students if they "misbehave". No comments. Her job sucked and she was venting out her frustration. She can go vent the remaining frustration on the prison walls.

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