Sunday, May 9, 2010

Love or Obsession

What I just did a couple of minutes ago, I never thought I would. Though yes, I always knew I'm a little crazy. So, what exactly did I do? Nothing too fancy...

I was walking home from Starbucks, reached my apartment and saw this fella pushing the newspaper cart.  He was one of those who visit residences to collect old newspapers and other unwanted stuff. There were newspapers, magazines, three English Novels in it. I stopped him and casually asked him, what he was gonna do with the stuff in the cart. 

"I sale them" he replied. 

"Even the English Books?" I mean how many will actually buy them. Many foreigners aren't even aware of 2nd hand bookstores. Least I haven't come across one for English Novels. So, naturally they were gonna be recycled (I hope) or into the trash.

"I'll buy them. How much will you give me". The books were kinda old, not too old that the pages have turned yellow. 

First he smiled, then he said "RNB5 for one".

"They are not new. And they got wet in the rain. Come on, I'll give you RNB10 for all three". At this point, you have to know, I had no idea what the novels were about. One appeared to be a thriller and the others by authors I haven't heard of. Call me mad, but I felt really sad when I saw the books in the cart getting wet.

"No...No..." he said. "Why do you foreigners like bargaining so much?"

"Why do you locals like to charge us so much?" To be honest it was not alot. I mean 15RNB for three books is USD1.50. That is awfully cheap. But, if I can bargain why not right? 

Either it was not in my fortune to bargain or he sensed that I really wanted to get the books. He didn't budge. I gave in. Paid the fifteen bucks and saved the books from the rain. 

I felt like a hero. Is my love for books turning into an obsession?


  1. Yes! But it is a good and healthy obsession!

  2. Emm is right lol People like us invest in a library :) Be prepared to take the cab back to your house when you drop by my place cos i'm gonna be passing you all those books i promised you.

  3. You know what, had I been in your place I'd have done the same... (: Recently, I bought a novel from a Old Books Store here in Rawalpindi, and the shopkeeper could easily tell - thanks to the manner in which I bargained - that I badly needed that novel :P


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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