Monday, May 3, 2010

Abstract Expressionism

Mona Lisa Smile. One of my favourite movies. I watched it again for what..the millionth time again last night. Every time I watch it, it makes me feel good. Julia Roberts, her beliefs in the movie. Her character that breaks the norms, its just awesome. Actually, awesome is an understatement. I love her. I love the movie. They're both amazing. Maggie Gylanhaal, one of the best character portrayals I have seen her in thus far. 

Jackson Pollack whilst creating his Composition 31 
The movie was set in the early 50s. How credible the movie was in conveying the real Wellesley girls is beyond me. However, I do believe the general mentality of women of that era, to some extent, was accurately portrayed. Why travel back in time to the 50s? I am surrounded by girls who still withhold the mentality. And I have failed to understand why. 

            Composition 31, Jackson Pollack
What Pollock did for the widely accepted masterpiece of his, was simply to lay a canvas on the ground and start pouring oil paint over it. He repeated the action for a long time. Using other materials including traditional paint brushes, some other improvised 'brushes' and the existing Gravity, to create the image. His art forms were classified under Abstract Expressionism. How aptly named!

Not all Who Wander are Aimless
Especially not Those who seek Truth
Beyond Tradition, Beyond Image
Beyond Definition.

- Mona Lisa Smile -

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