Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The Great Wall of China and Me
Morpheus: Do you believe in fate Neo?
Neo: no.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.

- The Matrix -

I honestly don't like the idea. On one hand, it may appear that less effort is required now that, fate/destiny whichever fancy name you wanna give it, has everything arranged and all one has to do is sit through and enjoy the ride.

On the other hand, it makes one wonder and perhaps feel helpless that his/her decisions that were made considering whatever he had to consider at that moment is in vain. That in actual fact, nothing was required after all. We have been given a brain and also told not to think since everything is laid out for us and we just have to move. 

Is that the way it is? Or is there something I have yet to notice?


  1. I know that feeling of needing control!! I think that is why I am so much happier in England than I was in South Africa. Less happens here that is out of my control (such as crime, violence, motor accidents and so many other things). I guess you just need to seek a balance where who you are at heart will not be so badly shaken by external circumstances.

    I found you on Twitter! Yay!

  2. Emm: YAY! You have a point there. :)

  3. I agree!! It's like nothing's in your control, and yet you're supposed to be able to control it, you've been given all the tools. :s


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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