Thursday, January 24, 2013

Its a learning process alright.

3 days into it and apart from the occasional "damn! Trauma ward is insane!" I actually do appreciate my current status here.

While I'm still learning the hang of things, It feels as though developed countries and the system of training medical doctors, to some extent, cripples them.

We are heavily protected during our med school days and immediately after graduation, we expected to respond, react and think like the doctor. No longer the student.

Shouldn't this training be from the beginning itself?

Here in Tonga Hospital, they treat the medical students, the physician assistants aka clinical associates and its corresponding students on par with the qualified doctors. They readily grant these inquisitive minds with the required knowledge (nothing more or less) along with relevant clinical experience.


Teaching hospitals holds staff who actually TEACH!

That's exactly what I need. I rather a senior doc assume I could be dumb for asking obvious questions than my potential patient thinking he could be in wrong hands.

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