Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Maybe its just me

Relationships are tiresome, requires loads of effort from the self and the involved party to maintain a fairly good one. Friendships are one of the many relationships or perhaps the only relationship that I am able to relate to with much comfort.

Beginning with my parents, they broke the parent-child relationship and created the friendship so that I will be comfortable in conversing with them. Their methodology appears to be working finely, even after twenty years. Being a single child, I ended up growing up with friends.

And there is another group who fall under this huge category called "extended family members". They simply poke their noses into our lives every Diwali, to update their previous Diwali's "Chart of Family Facts'! They comment, compliment(hoping you return the something of a similar nature), brainwash you into investing in their new family business, reconcile with the ones they quarrelled with the previous Diwali. (Now why do think they reconciled, the social status of some have heightened!)

Couples, Marriages, boyfriend, girlfriend, that sorta relationship was something I wished the world never created! (OK Perhaps not, thanx to such a thing I have great parents). My mom went against her family and married a foreigner. My dad left his country to be with the love of his life. Easy going, supportive, loving and with little disputes thrown in; my parents lead a rather charming, interesting life together. Then again, it never did inspire me to attain a similar life. I grew up with an Anti-marriage notion. I disapprove of flamboyant weddings! A waste of time, energy and definitely $$$$$! Only later to sign another sheet of paper stating DIVORCE! (And I still do wonder why weddings are grand and divorces not....why not hold a expensive party for the "I am single now" declaration?)I find it extremely tiring to lead a life full of compromises, obligations and lets see......adapting to the fact that you will have to share your things with someone now???

Relationships cannot be avoided, we need one another to survive. However, if you are lucky with the relationships you create they last long..and some are just plain acquaintances with individuals who view life in a different light.

Like I said, maybe its just me.....ten years down the road, I see myself holding a scalpel ready to slice a skull open :) Now thats life! :)

1 comment:

  1. one of my friends held a divorce party and all of us had to give her a gift. After all, it was a new beginning with single income and she needed all the support and cheering.


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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