Sunday, July 4, 2010


Note: The following was with reference to the States, I ain't no idea how the rest of the world is responding to the same news. :-) And its just for humor, though its content is true with reference to The New York Times.

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The recent Iphone apps that are becoming the talk of town are the one targetted at God and his (dis)likes. Both religious representative, atheists have begun producing Iphone apps for the benefit of their believers. These apps serve the purpose of  wanting to have a conversation with another with opposing beliefs and getting them to see reason.
"Say someone calls you narrow-minded because you think Jesus is the only way to God," says one top-selling application introduced in March by a Christian publishing company. "Your first answer should be: 'What do you mean by narrow-minded?' " -The New York Times
By not being 'broad-minded'? What kinda question is that?

BibleThumper, an app for the skeptics to share some humor around their religious counterparts. It allows the users to be ready to 'attack' with phrases from the Bible.

Some christian foundations are becoming increasingly worried at the rising numbers of atheist and Christians who are evolving into skeptics. Hence, they are doing their part to outnumber the Iphone apps that might influence minds by coming up with their respective apps for the religious ones. Then again, there are many such apps in existence already.

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For the non-believers who happen to own an Iphone and lack apps that are similar to their mindset, have Jason Hagen to thank for. Apparently, he bought an Iphone and was disappointed by the overwhelming number of religious apps and nothing for individuals like him. Voila! He soon wrote the now famous app, The Atheist Pocket Debator. 

Iphone app created by religious personels like the Fast Facts; provides immediate access to Bible information and everything else related to it. It encourages the user to question non believers and their apparoach towards religion. For instance,
"When someone says, "There is no truth,' " the Fast Facts app advises, "ask them: 'Is that true? Is it true there is no truth?' Because if it's true that there is no truth, then it's false that 'there is no truth.' " - The New York Times
When I first read that, man, I was laughing out loud. It sounded hilarious and yeah perhaps a little confusing at the same time. I was even planning on putting it up as a facebook status, such are the days of social networking. 

One interesting and funny one was by The Atheist Pocket Debater,
If Jacob saw the face of God (in Genesis 32:30), and God said, "No man shall see me and live" (in Exodus 33:20), then "which one is the liar?" he asks. - The New York Times
That was freakin' hilarious! If I were to use this on Jan, she will skin me alive and hang me out to dry. =.= 


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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