Monday, October 11, 2010

"Double-Edged Sword," He says.

A friend's brother who has been a doctor for seven years now, and is only one step away from becoming a full fledged surgeon, has decided to give up medicine entirely. .

"He is being idealistic", the mother claims.
"No point in practicing in something I hold no belief in." He responds.

The former doctor has now ventured into the public speaking arena to tell people to revamp their lives before its too late. He feels that, by the time they make that doctor's visit their health is beyond hope and they spend large amounts for better healthcare. Truth is, the body has already been deteoriated and doctors are only providing an environment to improve your existing damaged life. Cure is not always the case And he encourages a healthier lifestyle before going all out with the cash to the best hospitals.

"I have seen so much suffering  and pain, I find no hope in medicine when the body is capable of healing itself. Why torture the body in the first place? Take great care of the temple and work at improving individual lifestyles."

I have been studying medicine for two years. The rate at which the healthcare industry is changing is rapid. Medications and its side effects transform at an equally terrifying rate. Considering how different medications respond towards different immune systems, sometimes even the healers themselves lack answers to never ending questions.

My Father, a Homeopathy Physician who ironically is sponsoring my education in western medicine has no faith in what I am being taught. He finds the entire industry hypocritical and perhaps indifferent towards human life. Research annoys him when they are unable to find a cure. For one thing, I am not too sure if he understands the concept of research. Oh well, that's for another day. 

But of course, you can't stop the ones who believe in these high cost welfare. All patients want is to get better and back on their feet. If high cost means improvement, even if it is temporary; there are loads to plunge into it. There is no one to blame.

Back to the story, the ex-doc is now making arrangements to meet people and tell them to invest their hard earned cash with improving their health without any external contamination of medications or whatsoever. Rather, 
"Do it the traditional way by having more greens in the diet, exercise and positive energy."
Positive energy brings about a whole lot of changes into the environment that he believes changes things that scalpel fails to bring about. Which I gotta agree. :-)

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