Saturday, December 18, 2010

First CT Scan

CT scan in general is not that terrifying. Why am I saying this?

Cos I just had one. A Summary of why I ended up taking a CT scan was cos, I abruptly fainted and hurt my head real bad. Which by the way has left me with a battle 'bump' on my head. 

Initially, I self diagnosed myself to be safe and without any possible blot clots in my brain. Although the bump hasn't quite disappeared yet. 

After the fainting incident I had blurred visions, I wasn't walking straight no more. And I couldn't be on my feet for more than a minute. You would see me looking for something to hold onto to regain my balance.

Now that lead to me going to the hospital to have a consult. The doctor sent me for a CT scan just to make sure I haven't had any hemorrhage. 

And..That's how it all began.

The results were in under an hour and me and my brain are both perfect and fine.  

Gonna hang the scan on my wall. :)


  1. I had to comment. I got a CT scan in Early December. Too much to drink over a bunch of conferences and too little sleep left me with a splitting head ache and loss of vision in my right eye.

    Ended up being a Migraine. Just to be sure they checked my head for a stroke -- and luckily all was well with my noggin!

    Then I got a bill of $1500 in the mail for my CT scan. Then I got a migraine again.

    Talk about a vicious cycle eh?

  2. 1500 bucks?! Thats daylight robbery!


Would love to hear your thoughts. (:


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