Sunday, June 6, 2010

Microwave Oven is the new God

My latest fascination is with my Microwave Oven.  I intend to explore its hidden potential.

I started with Chocolate Chip Muffin. My mini kitchen, houses the essentials that range from a mini blender to a mega microwave oven but there is no oven oven. You get me? Like a really cool baking oven. I did contemplate on getting one but later decided against it for not wanting a massive hole in my wallet. It already has a hole due to purchasing loads of stuff. Can't afford no more. Hence, the pioneer attempt with the muffin was created using a regular microwave. Honestly, the final product didn't look anything close to a muffin. But..But..It tasted like one. It was really soft and chocolatey (obviously!). Even my housemates tried it and said it was a good attempt. Ha! So I didn't entirely fail after all. :P

This afternoon, I made Lasagna using the Microwave Oven again. It was okay. Didn't taste that much like a lasagna. But that could be cos I ran outta cheese and had barely enough to cover the entire pan. On that note, Lasagna was only 50% successful with the Microwave. Will attempt it again I guess. 

The next in line is Chocolate Mousse. (This of course doesn't use a Microwave but I am kinda craving for it so yeah :P) Well, it is ultra simple but this requires a beater which my mini kitchen doesn't possess. So I am going to make do with a wooden spoon. 

All my attempts in hoping to re-create desserts will make use of utensils that were probably not suggested in the recipes. I can only make do with what I have. Right? 

Hopefully, my attempts prove edible successful.

Wish me Luck! :-)

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