Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Everyday Chinese

I had a hair cut today. A little background on my haircut experiences. Every time I visit the hairdresser, she changes my hairstyle so very drastically it doesn't look like how it did the previous time. And you would think I told her that I kinda want a similar cut.

Anyways, today the girl who did my hair was slow and meticulous. She didn't tugged my head or exerted any amount of force that reminded me that I was having my hair cut. Instead she did a clean job and even recommended a particular style for me to follow. :) Of course she is not aware, I had my existing short hair cut even shorter just so I wouldn't have to comb before heading for school.

This other guy who was attending to my roomies haircut just wouldn't stop talking (to and about me) and all the time he was talking about "how my English is better than your Chinese" or "I learnt English myself. You should learn Chinese yourself" and "Chinese is difficult and is also the most famous language".

I was totally convinced that guy wanted to prove the fact that I was shying away from speaking in Chinese or basically I suck in Chinese. Till the time I left he was speaking to me in English and for the same motive alone.

I hope to not see him again. Least till my Chinese is of a standard he appreciates.


  1. Oh, do not let anyone influence your language decisions! When I was in Serbia, I wanted to get out a frying pan and hit people over the head everytime they apologised for their English. I told people repeatedly that their English was better than my Serbian!!! I find it almost liberating now to be learning Serbian and cannot wait to try it out on people.

    Why? (And what exactly is my point?) I am almost fluent in Afrikaans. I can babble away in it for ages and hold a full on conversation. I could even write business letters at a push. But my confidence is such that I have never actually used it to speak to Afrikaans people. I always gratefully slip into English and that is a big fat waste.

    So my advice? Babble off to this guy and annoy him with your little mistakes! He has no right to judge you. Next time he does say anything, reply "Yes, but I am in China and you are not in England. Who do you think is more committed in the long run?"

  2. HAHA! Gonna take your advice! Thanks Emm! :D


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